Oh, the Horror!

lets put a 1/2" sacrificial plate what if we are off by 5/8?
Sea Story time, In late '68 or early '69, I was in Electrician "A" school in New York. We were in a class for troubleshooting, a rather large motor at my station. We were supposed to call an instructor when we had found the problem. I had had a little experience before the school, so I didn't. I started the motor to prove my theory before calling an instructor.

The end result was that I shut down the entire end of a long brick building. The motor did try to start, but was more than the building could handle. It only rolled over a few times and then. . . When I returned from evening chow (supper) I found the same chart taped to my locker. Hand drawn in those days but the same. The next day, the instructor advised what had happened, no names given. But he did stress that it should have gone through an instructor. I did get credit for "fixing" the motor and nothing more was said. But I flushed bright red whenever it came up.

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