Ok We Are Breaking New Ground Here.

Got a red 4 flag on the Social Groups bar at the top of the home page. Of course, with a title like Grumpy Old Cusses, I figured this is where I belong.

Don Pardo was the announcer for the game show Jeopardy and the David Letterman show

happy to be here gator!!
Gator, the posts in the group are showing up in the 'New Posts' listing for the forums, so they are visible to everyone and they are responding as though it were a regular forum thread.
OK my bad I thought this was a closed thread.
My apology to the rest of the general membership.
Thats why I asked for "Input" so I can make all the mistakes.
OK here we go.
On my side I sent out 18 invites to join this group.

So far I have received 2 others and me.
So either I did something wrong or a bunch of you did not want to join.
Now that don't bother me but since this is the first dip in this pond I would like to get all the bugs out so the forum can run better.
Please respond with input to make this site run better .IE: I clicked on to join ,I saw it in the general forum , or other.
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  1. 18150.jpg
    grumpygatorclear.gifActive MembersStaff MemberModerator
    Likes Received:30Trophy Points:48City:tellavastState:Florida
    Hi Ulma Doctor,

    You have been invited to join the following group:
    Grumpy Old Cusses

    Please click on the link above to accept the invite.


    Sometimes you got to stop and Eat the flowers. +++Jethro.
    There are no Strangers. Just Friends you haven't meet yet.
(sorry not a screenshot, but heres what i got as notification)
Mine was like Ulma Doctors IIRC except there was a reddish button on the upper right that said click to accept invite.
They should have been all like that. I got in before that started. It was flagged at the top in Social Groups.

"Billy G"