Old fart needs help/advise (again)

Keep fresh batteries in both your GPS (and your spare GPS) just in case the poles switch before we are ready.
I think the "up" and "down" thing has nothing to do with which pole you're nearest to. It's because of the convention of putting North at the top of a MAP. Undoubtedly, the convention results from influences of explorers and Empires based in the Northern Hemisphere, but still the international convention, AFAIK.
I doubt that the countries downunder produce maps with the southern extreme at the top of the sheet, but maybe.
I think the "up" and "down" thing has nothing to do with which pole you're nearest to. It's because of the convention of putting North at the top of a MAP. Undoubtedly, the convention results from influences of explorers and Empires based in the Northern Hemisphere, but still the international convention, AFAIK.
I doubt that the countries downunder produce maps with the southern extreme at the top of the sheet, but maybe.
Our maps have North at the top of the map but as you would know, on the ground you always adjust your compass for magnetic deviation and orientate your map to the terrain.
To use modern terminology 'Up' and 'Down' are just social constructs and when I speak 'My Truth' I say 'Up' is away from the Equator no matter which hemisphere you are in with regard to the poles. 'Up' in relation to everyday activities is away from the center of Earth. Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
As said, it is a good way to start arguments/debates over a beer. We up here on top of the world are doing just mighty fine thanks.
Just wondering if you fellas up south living with the penguins get to see southern lights on a clear night. Us folk up north living close to the seals get to see some spectacular shows in the sky called the Northern Lights which apparently are generated by the magnetism of the poles. Hoping Savarin can shed some more light on this.
Hmmmm ... I always thought "up" was what pointed away from the center of the earth.
But then again, if you get a globe and put a little stick figure on New Zeland, its head will be definitely be oriented more toward the south pole than toward the north.
Heck, I caint even folla this conversation! I am still trying ta fugure out why you would shrimp on a poor little thin girl like "Barbi"!
Just wondering if you fellas up south living with the penguins get to see southern lights on a clear night
We have penguins, seals, common dolphins, Orca and a few species of whale in the harbor but are too close to the Equator in North Island for the Southern Lights but they are visible on occasion from about 1/2 way up South Island. They don't occur as often as the Northern Lights nor are they as spectacular.
Idle talk while we wait for your chuck to soak. When the fellas who live close to pineapple farms show up it really gets weierd.