One ******-off Asian lady!

Really sorry to see you dumped your lathe over... I hope you find uncle Murphy (Murphy's law) and send him packing!!!

Levers and top-heavy objects do not mix.

A good reminder for those of us that are about to receive our lathe's soon... to remember they are top heavy... and not take chances setting them up. Either an engine hoist, or a gantry crane... and lots of help!

THX for your honesty... it will save others from the same situation... and they may not have been as lucky as you... in the area of physical injury.
Welp, I got her all pieced back together and she lived through it!. The DRO still works fine and everything seems to be working great. I do need to do some more repairs to the motor mount and see how far out of whack everything is, but it looks like I dodged a bullet (and a 2500 lb. lathe!).