Our Educational System-Science

Well, any rant has to be tempered by the fact that anyone can "prove" anything they want by cherry picking the data. I'd bet money that Leno (and anyone else setting out to make people look silly), edit out most, if not all the intelligent replies. I mean, who wants to hear smart people talk, where's the 3rd-grade level of entertainment in that? Yes, we're becoming more dumb, yes, science seems to be taking a back seat to loudmouthed people making absurd claims. Lately, society seems to have equated thinking that if something can't easily be disproven, it means that not only could it be true, but that it is true. That last bit of "logic" is just astounding. A pastor asks everyone who's had their prayer answered to stand up, and one person out of 300 does. He then says, "There's your proof that prayer works." It's not that it's said, it's that people just accept it as fact without critical thinking. And now I'm ranting... Anyway, I still don't think it's quite as bad as shows/media make it out to be.

A big first step for everyone would be to unsubscribe from Facebook and Twitter.
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From my experience trying to educate employees: I could help them learn but if the desire to learn wasn't there ...................
Google is great, If there is desire. With out the desire to learn all the books, teachers, Googles on earth can't help. Schools should try to encourage the desire, memorizing something is a total waste if the reason isn't understood. No curiosity? Unlikely to learn.
I just remembered a great program we had in the 5th grade. This would have been 1965/66.
It was the President's Council on Physical Fitness. I think it was initiated by the Kennedy administration.
We jogged around the campus to earn points during recess. We did push ups and sit ups, broad jump etc.
Most of the kids participated. I don't remember what we did with the points.
I can't see anything like that happening today. Kids are so out of shape-No P.E.
I am proud to say, my son takes his 7th and 8th grade students out to Bidwell Park on Fridays to play soccer.
The kids love it and it's the only exercise they get all week in many cases.
My wife tags along to watch our grandson play with the big kids :)
I taught project classes. I liked to ask the students "How many of you think your boss will ask you to solve a problem that he already has the answer to". That usually got their attention. Student skills are all over the place, our education system encourages a mass-production style approach leaning toward teaching the least-common denominator in rote skills.

One colleague said "1/3 of these students would succeed if we didnt' teach anything. 1/3 won't no matter how you try. Focus on the middle 1/3."
Step one: motivate, 2. Direct the learning path. 3 Realize you can't teach you can only help them learn. If there is no motivation there will be very little learning. Much better would be to get them to be able to see the problem that needs solving. Analyze - Why, 5 times and understand that there is always more than one cause. I've seen too much of the "teaching" answers w/o teaching how to get there, thinking.
I saw this when there were only a couple of comments, when it was first posted. I desperately want to comment, but most anything I have to say will involve politics or religion. Both of which are "forbidden".

There is an old saying, “if the person hasn’t learned, the instructor hasn’t taught.”

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Just like the old adage "Those who cant, teach"
Both are rubbish and mean diddly squat.
But! Like every segment of society you can find a tiny percentage who will fit even the most outrageous statement.
The main issue with are educational system, is that the last thing our politicians on both sides want is an educated electorate, and this is why education is never properly funded, or designed to impart useful knowledge, and truth. Just my .0002 cents. Mike