Pay cash or pass?

Pretty fricken weird, huh? Lol
That first one looks really sharp, new.
The second looks like an ACME tap. But it's probably not, since it looks like it cuts a wide V. Not a clue what it is..

That one is a head scratcher.

.773 is not metric or standard, therefore I blame the Germans.

Maybe the British a little too.
Could that be clearance for 3/4 acme?
Could be I guess.

There are also taps you use before you use the actual sized tap, so there’s that.

ETA: depending on the thread fit it could be 3/4-5 acme.

That one is a tandem, but I prefer singles in pairs. Tandems flex really weird and they feel like they’re going to break.

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The big BSPP tap may save your butt one of these days if you have to chase a thread for a plug or pipe stub boss. In something like an engine block, you don't have to worry about how to hold the work, and when chasing you can use an adjustable wrench. Just saying, it's not a waste if you work on random stuff... like Jaguars or JCB tractors, for instance. You will find BSPP and G-thread on all sorts of plumbing in air systems, circulating coolant systems, or overseas hydraulics.