Picked Up A New Toy, Uh Tool, Today


Global Moderator
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2014
I traded about $75 in materials and about an hour of labor for this little guy. I think it's going to get a stepper motor and encoder hung on it and it's going to be my 4th axis. Never been used. Unfortunately, it did not come with the tailstock.

Made in Taiwan, so it may be a small step above some of the hardware out there. The fit and finish looks good. Anybody know anything about this brand? Has the oddest dividing plates I have ever seen. Looks like a 90:1 worm gear.

I have an 8" Vertex RT... not a dividing unit...

Nicely built, tight, and predictable.
A friend has a PhaseII... of the two I prefer the Vertex.
Good Job! I believe those dividing plates are actually “masks”. And are used for quick indexing of desired divisions as counted by the big notches on the outside perimeter. They get installed in the back and you disengaged the worm…Good Luck, Dave.
Wow! I just looked up the fleabay prices on these, I guess I got a pretty good deal.
Nice score Jim! Vertex is probably the best Asian brand you can buy for accessories like this aside from Yuasa & Nikken (Japan). Vertex is made in Taiwan. Much of the Vertex RTs are copies of the Yuasa & is my prefered style. Way better quality than the PhaseII China offers. Your super indexer has Meehanite castings as well as their rotary tables. I originally wanted a super indexer but I came to the conclusion that it was too big for my mill & more importantly I did not want to deal with the weight. As you probably know, a super indexer (aka super indexing spacer or Super-Dex as PhaseII calls it) is a RT & super spacer combined in one unit. Instead I chose to go with an 8" Vertex RT & a seperate 6.5" super spacer.


...I came to the conclusion that it was too big for my mill & more importantly I did not want to deal with the weight...

Good grief, the shoemaker elves must sneak into your shop every night and clean, LOL. I'm always astounded by your beautiful photos - how could you ever smudge those machines by working with them, ha-ha-ha ? :)

Oh yeah, excellent score Jim !!!
I'm still not sure who comes in to clean the mill. But my lathe is white & blue so I'm pretty sure it's the smurfs who sneak in to clean the lathe for me. ;)
blimey Jim, you must have a much more profitable second career as a lady's professional companion if an hours work and $75 of stuff gets you that! What a score!