

Dec 23, 2019

I bought a PM1228 last January and it's been a great machine as far as I can tell. Here's a picture of some 1 15/16" 304 that I've been working with. Just love shiny metal. It's been a lot of fun so far. Cant wait to get a mill. If anyone is selling one in texas lmk. I'm open to just about anything I can fit under a 93" ceiling.


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93" is going to limit you on the bigger knee mills, some of those are at least 94". What cutting tool are you using for the SS? My 1228 was a good machine.
I'm running the Mitsubishi ccmt 32.51fm VP15TF for finish. they're expensive but worth it for the extra little shine they can leave. Originally I was using the gold inserts that matt sells and they worked just fine but they dont last as long in 304. I cant wait to try 303.
Aukai. Yeah I want a bigger manual mill with dro but I dont think I'll be able to find something with the rigidity I'm lookin for that will fit in this space. I'll be looking used but if I cant find anything I'll get another pm and eventually convert it.

Do you have mill in your shop?
Thanks for the info on the insert. I have a Grizzly G0755
Necessity is the motherhood of butchery. If you find a nice round picture frame that fits the hole, it can be finish trimmed too. :grin:
That would need a second story roof. :grin:
Lmao its somewhat comforting to know that theres people that obsess about this stuff more than I do. So much so that they're willing to frame out cute holes for the head of their mill. Hahaha