Ring roller

I tested a larger flat ring and allowed the end to re feed along side the other end, it helped a little bit but not enough, but, it did show that if I set out with a longer length and feed past the start I can roll a perfect ring as long as the two flats pass each other then cut the flats off and hopefully have a correct size ring.
The outer dia of the 12x12mm aluminium ring must be 303mm dia, the flats are approx 50mm long so I'm hoping Pi x D +120 should give me sufficient length to accomplish this.
I'm also assuming I will have to anneal the metal a couple of times through out the process.
Out of the blue I wondered if it were possible to straighten the ring.
I pulled out the 300mm dia test so I could fit it in the roller

Almost there, it took a few back and forths

but returned the ring to usable steel
still need a bit more at the far end, its about 1/16th of a turn pressure at this point