Sb9a Using Er32?

Thanks for informing your vote of confidence for Beall. Sounds like he makes quality. I don't think, actually I know, that my meager skills don't come anywhere close to that and precision is pretty important in this regard. I can make a lot of stuff with big tolerances that don't really matter but not something like this.

One other thing I will need to do when I order boring bars today is see how I can mount them on the QCTP. I have one of the cheaper ones from CTC tools (wedge, not piston), so I don't know if the holder diameter is OK or if I need to make or purchase a new QCTP that's more versatile. I think this is the one I have:
Your tool post should be fine for boring but the holder might be a bit suspect. I admit to not owning or using that type of holder so I'm not sure but I think those use two cotters to press on the bar from the side. If so it is probably not the most rigid way to hold a bar and I would personally opt for an Aloris 4D holder; it takes 3/4" bars but you can make reduction sleeves to hold smaller bars.

As far as I know, the Chinese have not reproduced the 4D but I am likely wrong. If you can find one I would go for that. If not, I would spend the money on a genuine 4D because the holder is more important than the boring bar - you can have the best bar in the world but it won't work well if not held rigidly. Short of fusing a bar into a holder, the 4D is the most rigid holder I am aware of that fits on a QCTP.

I also suggest you avoid any holder that screws directly down on a bar. An example of this is the #102 with the v-slot on the bottom. These holders are not rigid enough, will mar your bars and can possibly break a carbide bar.