Schnoz of the day

We have one just like that; her favorite place to snooze at night is down by my feet so that is not easy to move around in bed, sometimes she needs to get launched off the bed.
Savor every minute of your cats obnoxious nocturnal behavior.

We had to put my buddy JAXX down last year due to age (16yrs) and man did he love to snuggle.

He knew on top of the covers was verboten, especially on my crotch where he preferred. He would sit along side the bed staring at the covers and politely ask to be let under.

For a while he was content sleeping under the covers between my knees which worked as it let me roll over if need be without squashing him.

As he got older his visits got shorter and less frequent, but he still liked to know he ”could” if he wanted.

We used to have awesome wrestling matches, him getting exercise and letting out some aggression, me having fun messing him up and me letting out some blood out of my arms.

No matter how hard we play fought or how bad he would growl at me I could get him to turn off the aggression and want to get pets and snuggles almost instantly.

Best cat ever, and I’ve had some good ones.

This is a pic of a pic that hangs over my workbench at work. I took this many Christmases ago where he was playing heat thief with the wife’s uplight for her plant.

Flash caught him just right.

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My much missed Daisy. She'd been out, just before bedtime, in the back garden, at her favourite digging spot, behind a large shrub.

You knew which spot she'd picked because the shrub or hedge in front of said spot would shake like mad! :grin:

Got to sixteen and a half (the photo was not that long before she was sixteen) and was trotting speedily, for an old lady, down to the bank of the local river and emerging from her swim for a short but enthusiastic crazy run about, just three weeks before she left us.

I love me all dogs (and particularly GSDs; my sister had two but now has a collie Rudie, who is maximum collie; if it could conceptually be herded, he wants to herd it, but now is trained well enough to restrain that behaviour unless allowed to do so) but as a gamekeeper friend of mine (who also has a menagerie of 8 dogs of different flavours at home) said:

"There are dogs...and then there are Labs"

Li'll Bit and her squirrel, which has been MIA all winter and just returned. She sits at the window starring, and all a quiver. She will occasionally lunge her nose into the window, but the squirrel is totally unimpressed, and just keeps eating sunflower seeds. Mike
