Shape-rite 8" shaper

Today I made some of the missing pieces for my shaper.
First I cut off a piece of metal from a block of 250 x250 x 60 mm with my Power Hacksaw.2015-03-08 10.37.14.jpg

Meanwhile I cut a small cover for the way's from a piece of aluminum milled some recess in it for the felt.
This is the result.
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Next I made a hand-wheel for turning the shaper by hand ( it was missing) The wheel itself i had laying around but the hole in it was to big so i turned a bushing pressed it in the wheel Drilled and tapped 2 hole with M5 threads and mounted it on the axle with 2 press-vises. Well I first mounted the pulley cover and then mounted the hand-wheel.

No the block is cut and i started milling it This will become the cover on top of the arm to hold it in position. The original mount is missing. It took me a few hours before the block was square then milled the slot and rounded it with the dividing head.
After that i drilled hole of 17 mm through it. With a bolt mounted in the hole I put it on the lathe and turned the taper.
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This is the block I used and the end result.
The picture below the clamp is mounted to the arm.
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The next picture gives an overall look of the shaper.
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Next time i will try to make the dial and the indicator plate for the travel of the arm.
I was able to do some work on my Shaper today.
From a bar of aluminum I cut the travel indicator on the mill. with recesses for the bolt just below.
From a piece of Bronze I cut the indicator which is mounted to the holding block on top of the arm.
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The felt inserts are cut and glued to the covers and were mounted to the Shaper.
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Then the electrics are made and mounted after which the first test run followed.
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I made a video of the first run since I got the machine.

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