Sharp lathe tools!! Ouch

I had to get stitched up 3 weeks ago at work. Nice slice that got me 5 stitches. All good now. The guys left me some notes.


Cutting oil is my blood.
Seems to come with age, my wife is the first to notice my cuts and scrapes. "How did you do that?" "Do what?" Carbide inserts aren't nearly as dangerous.
Where I work, every time someone "injurers" themselves, it's mandatory to fill out an "accident report". After working in the machine shop one morning, and acquiring a tiny little cut, our safety guru, who is a friend, and great guy, was employing me to fill out the report. I looked at him in the eye, and chuckled. He knows. He's just doing his job, though.
When I go for a blood draw, I tell the phlebotomist, "I don't need a bandage, I'm not a bleeder. If I were I would have died long ago with all the cuts I get." I seldom go a week without at least one cut. I don't worry until the blood is spurting.

Heck, one time I was bowhunting and stabbed myself in an artery in the crook of my arm while trimming some brush. I held my arm up to my shoulder to stop the flow and continued hunting until the end of the day. Actually, I was more upset that I had just put a half inch slit in my new Goretex jacket. When I got home, I glued the cut with some Superglue and sew the slit in my jacket. I still have the jacket and it is my favorite outdoor jacket . I still have the scar as well. It is just below the site where they draw the blood.
Ouchj. those broadheads are razor sharp!!
I speak from experience also :)
Ouchj. those broadheads are razor sharp!!
I speak from experience also :)
It actually was my pocket knife. I had long since before given up wearing a hunting knife and I was using my little Gerber to cut some Multiflora Rose which was in my field of fire. I was concentrating more on avoiding the thorns and not enough on where my other arm was. The knife slipped and blood spurted.
Just follow the trail of red drips on the floor to the first aid kit...

I often find myself questioning, is that Dykem or did I cut myself again?
I've been toying around with the idea of having a first aid set in the shop. That would avoid the tell tale trail of blood drops going into the bathroom.