Show us your Workshop!

Hi guys. A few pics of my very crowded little shop, which is one half of a 100 year-old ramshackle outbuilding that I rent.

There's my favorite 1935 South Bend 9" 405 Workshop lathe, 1942 Delta 11" drill press, and my most recent acquistion a 1951 Benchmaster vertical mill (recently equipped with a home-built x-axis variable speed power feed). Also my Delta bench grinder, set up for grinding HSS with Norton 38A AlOx wheels on precision hubs.

Out of sight is the air compressor, cheapo MIG welder, combo disc/belt sander, 4x6" horizontal bandsaw, and too many other tools to mention.

OK, gotta go - I'm expecting a big order of parts for NASA any minute! 8>)


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