South Bend Lathe Project Update

We're getting closer....
We got the apron installed.
We received the gearbox, cleaned, new wicks and installed.
Installed the banjo assembly.
Received the Phase II QC tool post set and installed.
Got the carriage stop cleaned, painted and installed.
Got the collet tray installed.
Got the motor back from the motor shop.
Now, we are waiting on the motor to get the controls and vfd installed.
Maybe soon........


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Looks like new, is that the original motor or did you get a single phase?
It is a 3 phase motor. Had it rebuilt and rewound with inverter duty windings.
Added an Allen Bradley VFD with controls.
I need to send updated photos showing the electrical.
Thanks for asking.

It is a 3 phase motor. Had it rebuilt and rewound with inverter duty windings.
Added an Allen Bradley VFD with controls.
I need to send updated photos showing the electrical.
Thanks for asking.


Do you have 3phase or a converter?
I have single phase power and I am converting it to 3 phase with the AB variable frequency drive.
I have single phase power and I am converting it to 3 phase with the AB variable frequency drive.

I bought a static phase converter for my lathe. Id like to get a big rotary converter one of these days. From what I read about the static phase converters you loose a third of your HP.