Swanson Drill Grinding Jig - Question

That is a little different. It looks like the angle is set by the bit touching the wheel, using the cast reference boss as a 29-degree angle guide. Says something to that effect in section 7 of the patent text. Then you roll the bit 180 degrees to touch the gauge and repeat for the other side. It looks like a nice sharpener, definitely better than the millions of those silver-painted Craftsman jigs out there. I run a modified swing jig on my Sheckel D-bit grinder and like using it. At the end of the day, it's the same sharpening motion as far as the bit is concerned. Have you checked around the Tube of You for a video worth a thousand words?
Thanks for the info! I may look on youtube but I doubt I will ever use it.. I bought it cheap on ebay several years ago and have several other brands.. Mike in Louisiana