The government slowdown/shutdown/debt crisis


Active User
Sep 2, 2013
Hi guys. I'm also a moderator on one of the largest firearms sites in Canada. The tinfoil hat crew have really been cranking out "the stuff" about the US government and the debt crisis. They're trying to portray it as if the four horsemen of the apocalypse are about to ride down on the U.S. and wipe it's financial state right off the map. We only have one American member that I can think of, and I haven't seen him online in a while (hope he's ok).
Anyway...since most of you here on T.H.M. are American folk, I'm really curious about getting your take on the whole situation. How are you guys feeling about the whole thing ? I have a few friends and relatives down there, and yes, I'm a bit concerned, but I don't really know all the facts either. I try not to listen to the tinfoil hat crew too much. LOL.
Let's be very careful with this subject. Politics and religion are taboo, like most fora save those set up specifically to discuss such matters. I realize that this is a very hot topic at the moment, but civil discussion will be permitted. I do reserve the right to terminate this thread if it fails to remain civil.

I am making an exception to our rules here because I realize the concern most of the members have. It is a significant time in the history of this country, and what the U.S. does will have a large impact on the entire world economy. No one here can solve this problem or series of problems, but perhaps a good discussion will provide an outlet to express your concerns. Again, I advise caution as the topic progresses.
Let's be very careful with this subject. Politics and religion are taboo, like most fora save those set up specifically to discuss such matters. I realize that this is a very hot topic at the moment, but civil discussion will be permitted. I do reserve the right to terminate this thread if it fails to remain civil.

I am making an exception to our rules here because I realize the concern most of the members have. It is a significant time in the history of this country, and what the U.S. does will have a large impact on the entire world economy. No one here can solve this problem or series of problems, but perhaps a good discussion will provide an outlet to express your concerns. Again, I advise caution as the topic progresses.

I absolutely agree Tony. I'm not really interested in who's at fault, or who's religion is what. What's got everyone concerned is the economic aspect of it. There's an old saying here in Canada. "When the U.S. economy catches a cold, Canada catches pneumonia." and it's very true. I'm not too worried about myself, as I have 4 licensed trades under my belt and almost 30 years experience in repairing anything and everything to do with machinery. The Alberta oil patch keeps me pretty busy.

I'm more curious to hear where you guys who are actually living in the U.S. think things are going economically. A few of my relatives in the Seattle area have had a pretty rough go of it these past few years, but the truth be known, I think a fair chunk of it may have been self induced through some bad life decisions. Of course, the who thing got blamed on the housing bubble/crash.

How have you guys been finding employment and pay levels ? Easy to come by if you're willing to get out there and look, or are things pretty dry ? Up here, the news outlets would have us believe that everybody is desperate and the job market is in it's last death throws. Every time there's a lineup of job applicants at a McDonalds restaurant in a depressed area, the media are all over it like nothing else is happening in the world. We still have a labor shortage here in the Alberta oil patch, and the latest thing the media has been flaunting is hiring American workers. My thought is, if things were really as bad in the U.S. as the media would have us believe, we would already have seen an influx, and there's been virtually none. So, how are you guys feeling about the general, overall state of things economically ?
Yup, we're all still here. For me personally, not much has changed. I know folks that work directly for the government, or for government contractors have had a harder time. Regardless, the world will not be ending this week (at least, I'm pretty sure).
I'm going to keep this very factual as not to stir-up any issues:

We've had government shutdowns before. In all prior cases, the employees get paid so, the time off amounts to a free paid vacation. They've already passed legislation that anyone who can't pay their bills because of a cashflow issue will not get penalties etc so it's not going to cause widespread cases of personal bankrupcy. This time around, some of the bigger government groups are being ordered to work through the shutdown so they will not get another free vacation.

This shutdown is highly politicized and not as far reaching as prior shutdowns. Most all "critical" operations are still going. The news media is bending things out of proportion.

I live in the heart of the Annapolis Military Academy and work moments away from the NSA and Fort Meade. All I can say is that traffic has been much smoother.

The "shutdown" is largely being limited to things that will annoy voters than actually closing down critical infrastructures in the USA or actual cost saving measures.

The deadline to raise the debt limit comes next week and right now I don't see a path to a solution.

Personally, work has been slow but my checks don't bounce. This year will yield less money and higher expenses but I won't starve. Several people I know are in worse shape but I suspect there is some kind of job available for everyone but it may not be one you'd like.

My biggest expense increases this year have been paying higher healthcare rates. Some argue that this is nothing more than putting the screws to people since Corporate Healthcare companies can, however I don't see any cheaper options on the Healthcare Exchanges.

Something has to give. Just hanging on until things settle out.

Right now, I'd like to see the US government cut every federal budget item by 10% and then and only then raise the debt ceiling to keep things going for one year.

Doesn't look likely since no one wants to compromise.

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hi guys i hope everyone will get by this ok but this message is for my veteran brothers and sisters. I have heard through the grapevine and as of yesterday the va exausted all its surplus monies so if the shut down is not over buy the 15th then there will be no benifits paid out on the 1st. that goes for disabilities, education and any other claims that are out. I just want you all to be prepared for there to be n money in our accounts next month so if you are like me and that is my only income we need to start making arangments. i hope this is going to get worked out but i do not have that much faith in the system any more so just want my fellow brothers and sisters to be prepared for the worse.
I hope what your saying isn't true theres a lot of vets out here that are going to get really Pi$$ off including me.

But if it happens we'll survive. I'll check into it Friday cause I've got to go for a eye screening and I know a Nam Vet thats works in the pay section.

Many years ago during a past goverment shut down I was in St. Augustine Fla and missed seeing the Spanish fort there because of that shut down, i am a history buff and i like to read about a place i am going to try to get a sense or the things that happened that happened there. at the time i was a clam digger with not a lot of money, i was ******, a national park? Many may not care but to close the statue of liberty to visitors on vacation who are spending there hard earned money with us is a bitter pill. i have health insurance and i need it for years i relied on the va i believe health insurance should be the right of every citizen, and further that all the talking heads on both side of the issue probably have health insurance. as someone who was self employed middle class for twenty years i know heath insurance was just a dream for me then. i think we are better than that and that we know no one one should need to worry about being treated when they need it and it is not charity it is a basic right
I work for a govt. contractor (aerospace), but we're still in operation for now. I believe we have a few weeks worth of work in the queue before things start getting iffy for me. Regardless, I'm willing to allow this thing to be a detriment to my wealth now if it will make things easier for my children and their children after them. Speaking of children, we're in this mess because our so-called leaders have acted like children for quite a while now. The bottom line is that we can't keep spending more than we take in forever and very few of our politicians are willing to stand up and acknowledge the obvious. If this whole fiasco accomplishes nothing else, it might at least draw attention to the 800 lb gorilla in the room.