The government slowdown/shutdown/debt crisis

I work for a govt. contractor (aerospace), but we're still in operation for now. I believe we have a few weeks worth of work in the queue before things start getting iffy for me. Regardless, I'm willing to allow this thing to be a detriment to my wealth now if it will make things easier for my children and their children after them. Speaking of children, we're in this mess because our so-called leaders have acted like children for quite a while now. The bottom line is that we can't keep spending more than we take in forever and very few of our politicians are willing to stand up and acknowledge the obvious. If this whole fiasco accomplishes nothing else, it might at least draw attention to the 800 lb gorilla in the room.

That makes a lot of sense aforsman. The one thing I have noticed is that everyone is talking about raising (or blocking the raising of) the debt ceiling....but nobody seems to be talking about fixing the reason the debt ceiling keeps needing to be raised in the first place. I'm guessing it's the same old story. No elected official seems to want to risk angering a ton of people by cutting funding to whatever programs they're on/interest them.

One of the premiers of the province of Alberta where I live (Ralph Klein) made some pretty harsh cuts when he got elected. He managed to not only pay off Alberta's debt, but built us a 15 billion dollar surplus-rainy day fund. Yea, there were some hard times for some who were on the government payroll, but he did what needed to be done. There have been 2 premiers since then, and they've both turned out to be complete train wrecks. They burnt through the "Heritage Fund" in no time and we're back in debt now. People still refer to Ralph as "Kind Ralph" and the usual comments are that they wish he was still leading our province. Even though he slashed a ton of social programs, most people loved the guy for what he did. Maybe other politicians should be taking note of what he did and applying it today.

Is there really any talk in the U.S. government of ever even trying to balance the books, or is it all about whether or not to raise the debt ceiling to cover the over-spending ? Is there even talk of ever starting to pay off some of the debt, or is that just too far out of the realm of possibility ?
Personally------------ I don't think you need to take sides----------- Those folks have forgotten why they are in Washington. Darn shame we can't fire them all and start over. :whiteflag:
Personally------------ I don't think you need to take sides----------- Those folks have forgotten why they are in Washington. Darn shame we can't fire them all and start over. :whiteflag:

Oh yes we can Gary just dont vote for them bums. Doesnt anyone remember the teacher saying who knows, one of you maybe the president. ya right

Just try it!! The mixture; have to be a rich kid, never played with toys, dont know what a screw driver is, takes stupid pills.

Example how to go broke. Anybody following RI news, going broke, because they gave some base ball player millions to form a company to mfg.
vidio games. Next thing this company goes belly up. RI tax pay'ers holding the bag.
For this I'm so speechless I cant even type this. So simply put, I need a new CNC and a plasma cam to make mousetraps and this state will
give me the money???????????
Oh ya this guy dont even live in RI. WHERES the brains? answer they aint got none.
so bad when this stuff comes on the news I flip the channel, cartoons are more educational.
Heck it's been a "Jessie or James" choice for years------------- or----------------- lets vote against (so and so ). I can't remember the last time I felt like I was voting for the Right person.
We actually could throw them all out and start over in a sense. It's called term limits and it would change the whole game. The catch is that they would have to vote it upon themselves, which will never happen for obvious reasons.

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Term limits could be moused for an Article 5 convention. You'd need 3/4 of the states to do it though.

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We were never meant to have career politicians but now we have some that have never done anything but. Once they are elected and they experience all the perks power and prestige and they will do anything to keep it. Our founding fathers warned this would happen but must have underestimated the power of "free stuff".
I think everyone in office in Washington right now, Repubuplican or Democrat, should be brought before a firing squad at dawn for letting or government come to this. Problem is, the firing squad has been furloughed... :whistle:

All I know is I hope things come back up soon. I left my driving job of 17 1/2 years, and due to medical reasons, have to quit the career as a whole. Am about to pursue VA disability, and look into what help they have to help me start my own small engine repair business from home. So it looks like it's really bad timing on all of this. Not too worried just yet, as long as I keep in mind the gravity of the situation, I think I'll pull through.
zman if you have a service connected disability and they give you to many problems you can get a lawyer on them now. It took me over 40 years to get my 100% and it was something they should have been paying me for all those years.

I wish you all the luck in the world working with those clowns. And I hope they don't take to long.


QUOTE=zman;151014]All I know is I hope things come back up soon. I left my driving job of 17 1/2 years, and due to medical reasons, have to quit the career as a whole. Am about to pursue VA disability, and look into what help they have to help me start my own small engine repair business from home. So it looks like it's really bad timing on all of this. Not too worried just yet, as long as I keep in mind the gravity of the situation, I think I'll pull through.[/QUOTE]