The price of sugar may be going up !


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016

I watched the original sign for over 19 years from the Lever Brothers plant and the Baltimore Sunpapers plant . 3 of my former co-workers just left for other jobs but many still are working there . What burned was the " sugar shack" . I believe the buildings are still standing . :(
Sugar syrup anyone?

Wow, sugar is really flammable and actually explosive under the right conditions. Static electricity is a constant problem in processing.
I have some RSI Rogers Sugar stock. It is a steady eddie dividend payer as sugar is used a lot, as we all know.
The American diet is overloaded with sugar so it might be good thing although not perceived as such by many. :eek 2:
Maybe this will get the sugar tariffs removed, so that foreign producers can sell in the US (Brazilian sugar is ~$0.10 a pound).
There has been a reduction of 15% in worldwide sugar consumption within the last year or so I believe. People worldwide are reducing their sugar intake due to the knowledge of health concerns.

Still sucks this plant burnt.
Maybe this will get the sugar tariffs removed, so that foreign producers can sell in the US (Brazilian sugar is ~$0.10 a pound).
Or maybe more people will buy Imperial sugar and keep Texans employed. :)

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