The Rotary Table I've Been Waiting For


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jan 20, 2018
I haven't needed one (yet), but I've been telling myself if I could find a 10" at a reasonable price and distance, I'd jump on it.


I suppose I could wait for one to be delivered.
I have an 8" for my Bridgeport and wish it was a 10". Been keeping my eye open for one near me.
Looks like a Good Deal! Buy it if it checks out. You can always mount a larger, sacrificial, aluminum tooling plate to it if the need arises.
This is why I settled on 10", big enough to clamp stuff to it, small enough I can still lift it.
go for it. seems worth the trip. Take the wife out for a nice cruise.. OR not. That small chuck may have a arbor you can use to mount it when you need to do fine work. the pexto... ... just filling your shop :grin: