The stupidity of todays society.


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H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 22, 2012
After watching a few vids regarding various idiots at work and play my optimism regarding modern life is sinking fast.
I guess if we plot the nations stupidity levels on the bell curve half will fall on the left hand side so maybe we shouldnt be surprised.
What bought this to a head for me was the following label on my latest propane gas cylinder.
Who in their wildest dreams ever thought such a message was warranted.
I wonder how long it will be before we have warnings in swimming pools such as
Do not try to breathe underwater as it may cause death
It's because idiots try to get high by"huffing" it. I'll bet one did, died and their survivors sued and won, hence the warning label.
It's more common than one would want to think. There's been more than one death.
I think we'd have a safer society if we removed ALL safety labels. One way or another, we'd have less stupid people.
After watching a few vids regarding various idiots at work and play my optimism regarding modern life is sinking fast.
I guess if we plot the nations stupidity levels on the bell curve half will fall on the left hand side so maybe we shouldnt be surprised.
What bought this to a head for me was the following label on my latest propane gas cylinder.
Who in their wildest dreams ever thought such a message was warranted.
I wonder how long it will be before we have warnings in swimming pools such as
Do not try to breathe underwater as it may cause death
The warning labels are the problem, we have effectively circumvented natural selection, take them off and allow nature to take its course....