Trying to make some "how-to" videos...

Thanks for putting these out Yuriy. I'll echo some of the other comments, I like the shorter length and keeping things in concise chunks. Production looks very good.

The AI voice is quite good and it really didn't jump out until you mentioned it. So I don't think anyone will notice it unless they're looking for it and it doesn't detract at all from the video.

The volume was a hair low on the first one, and a bit higher on the 2nd. I compared to a recent This Old Tony video (which I think is a pretty good production standard) and his volume was right in between the 2 you've made so far. So I think you're right in the range.

I'd make a couple of suggestions, mostly around making it easy to find info:
1) I see you have a playlist of TouchDRO Basics that you've added this to. I'd suggest tweaking the ordering in that playlist to serve as a table of contents for the info in a basic-advanced progression. Or perhaps start a new one with that in mind.
2) Consider adding "chapters" to the videos to make finding specific subjects easier. It's simple to do with timestamps in the description and if someone's coming back to find a specific item, it will help.
3) Might be beneficial to add links in the manual on your site pointing to these videos as well. That will help people find the YT stuff from that end.

Awesome work, thanks again!
Fantastic! Good pacing and voiceover. I like what you covered and what was termed "will explain in a later video".
I suggest including your descriptive names in the titles of those later videos. That would make it super easy for amateurs to jump out of a video and find the "later video".

For example: Graphical Projection View Screen

For those that are new and learning terminology (asking for a friend:p) we may need to replay the earlier videos to find the term we're thinking of.

So if I'm watching the posted video (so I can remember the 'term'), I can then jump to your video list and look for the video named (for example) 'TouchDRO User Interface - Graphical Projection View Screen Overview'.

The title is long, but it might make it easy to find all your different videos. I like the shortness of your current videos. Keeping your video formats short and specific will also help you in the future if you need to edit them for new added features, functionality etc. You would only have to redo a 5 min video instead of a whole long 'Overview' which only has a single change.

Thanks a ton for all the TouchDRO work!!!
I saw these start to pop up the other day while waiting for my kit to arrive. Very happy to see them and I think they are good.

Hi Yuriy,
These are great. For me, they are more intuitive to follow that a written manual. I am looking forward to similar videos about the more advanced functions as you make these available. One I will look forward to is your view on the Absolute vs Incremental mode vs workspaces, as I am sure there is much more power and functionality buried in there than I am currently using.
Hi Yuriy,
These are great. For me, they are more intuitive to follow that a written manual. I am looking forward to similar videos about the more advanced functions as you make these available. One I will look forward to is your view on the Absolute vs Incremental mode vs workspaces, as I am sure there is much more power and functionality buried in there than I am currently using.
Right now I'm working on the "Indicate Workspace" function video. It's kicking my butt though.
First I realized that the UI is confusing, so spent more than a week redoing the UI.
Then found some weirdness with offsets, so I ended up gutting the logic.
Then I realized that I'm 95% done with the "Plus" features in that area, so might as well finish them and include in the same video to avoid confusion later.

So far I've spent the whole weekend and the two evening on the video, and still can't make it "flow" logically. It either ends up being 25 minutes, or I can't figure out myself what I'm trying to say.
I guess this is why it's called a "learning curve" ;)

I have the draft scrip written for the basic workflow videos (one for a mill, and one for a lathe). They cover a lot of stuff about origins and coordinate systems. I think (humbly) that this is THE thing that make TouchDRO different from standard DROs, so I want to it justice.
