Warning: Children do not try this at home, even with adult supervision!

I've got to say it's amazing.
I see it from both sides of the fence. The pro's and con's.

I believe this should be mandatory in places of education - You get a scare without the pain.

As for professional organisations, I believe that should be up to the organisation itself.

There are many things that have been designed / invented which have become mandatory. Different countries have different products. I believe this bloke may end up getting his way as safety and injury prevention is the flavour of this decade. The amount of money the company i work for pays for "ideas", let alone equipment to improve safety - be it personnel or equipment related, is astounding but it has changed my industry from one of the hardest/most dangerous to a comfortable, safe environment (most of the time)

What will really suck is if they mandate it for schools and workplaces, they will probably also demand all the current equipment to be destroyed to "protect" the public from it. Lots of great iron to the scrap yards.

Hey Kennyd
Never thought of that. If this kind of law passes we could all pick up new saws at the scrap yard cheep. :thinking: Over all I think its a good idea for schools and shops but I don't think I would like a law that requires it. Unless of course the guys gives the patent rights away for free. :lmao:

On a related topic, I just saw an offer of $100 to turn in my nearly 40-year-old Craftsman radial arm saw because it can't be retrofitted with some kind of blade guard. They don't make 'em as good as this saw any more, it's worth a lot more than $100 to me, and I've used it without incident all these years. I think I will just keep it and continue using some common sense while I do so. Worked for me so far.:biggrin:
Videoman, for a time, they also offered a retrofit kit that also included a new table. I kept my old dangerous saw, but got a new table. Emmerson built all the saws they are dealing with, so if yours falls under that "recall", you can get a new table.
Hey Kennyd
Never thought of that. If this kind of law passes we could all pick up new saws at the scrap yard cheep.

You remember the Cash-for-Clunkers program a few years ago? All cars traded in where destroyed per goverment mandate.
You remember the Cash-for-Clunkers program a few years ago? All cars traded in where destroyed per goverment mandate.

How true. That would be just like the government to do. :banghead:

"jawdrop: Awesome technology but I like common sense and personal responsability better ! :thinking:
I think it would be better to teach the kids to be safe. This might cause them to be careless.
I've worked through the patent process 26 times, and it takes a long time, a good patent attorney, and lottsa bucks. It can be worth it, for the right product, though.
The problem with this device is that it gives people working in a shop a false sense of security and they get careless on other machines that don't have a stop.
So they won't get mangled by the table saw, but maybe a band saw or router table.

I noticed the guy wet his finger. What if your hands are dry?
