Welding helmet for my son

I would be surprised if the school didn't get significant discounts from all the major professional suppliers, ask the instructors.

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Looks like you already have plenty of advice. I went through 3 or 4 cheaper helmets and finally got tired of getting flashed especially with low voltage tig welding. Finally bought a Lincoln 3350 (with a cool steampunk design) and nevver looked back. The large view and great color were well worth the extra money. Not to mention safer.
Looks like you already have plenty of advice. I went through 3 or 4 cheaper helmets and finally got tired of getting flashed especially with low voltage tig welding. Finally bought a Lincoln 3350 (with a cool steampunk design) and nevver looked back. The large view and great color were well worth the extra money. Not to mention safer.

I had the same with a GYS. Not a super cheap hood, but the damn thing kept not triggering. Totally lost faith in it.
I got a note from Carl, Marks son saying that he is going to be using a 3M 9100 Speed Glass helmet for now.
I got a note from Carl, Marks son saying that he is going to be using a 3M 9100 Speed Glass helmet for now.
That's another Excellent choice, I'm sure he'll be the envy of the class!
School has let out for the forseeable future due to the plague, and Carl's fancy 3M 9100 Speed Glass is stuck in his locker there. Lots of fun for him today using my 30-some-year-old Jackson helmet and my 1980s flux core machine to fix an old metal picnic table and other misc. things. Such colorful language but he'll be up to speed on the family equipment in no time. I'm sure it's a far cry from what they've got at school. (And yes, we'll rescue the helmet first chance we get.)
Naturally at school. I would never resort to undignified language, even when snapping off a bolt or burning a hole in a piece of tubing.
And you can believe as much of that as you want to.
I sometimes use a 3350 helmet at work and have a the 3M 9100 at home. I prefer the 3M, its more clear, the glass has a better tint and overall just fits well. Welding helmets are very personal items, a lot of people like a lot of different things so theres no wrong answer. But I would stay away from the harbor freight stuff...