West Texas thunder storm

I know there are different options for presentation you can choose after the picture is taken, but I'm not up on that, it just looked cool....
The original photo is indeed “photoshopped”.

I’ve been a photographer for most of my adult life and have a good deal of experience with image manipulation. I also spent my professional career as a pilot and have seen my share of T-storms

That photo is very over saturated and I suspect contrast was altered as well. And yes the phones today can do that and much more.
I thought so too, the clouds look over-enhanced like an oil painting
Neat shot tho
The original photo is indeed “photoshopped”.

I’ve been a photographer for most of my adult life and have a good deal of experience with image manipulation. I also spent my professional career as a pilot and have seen my share of T-storms

That photo is very over saturated and I suspect contrast was altered as well. And yes the phones today can do that and much more.

Photoshop has ruined photography.
Photoshop has ruined photography.
I would argue that photoshop has no more ruined photography than machining has ruined iron working.

EDIT: I should have said “I would argue that photoshop has no more ruined photography than CNC has ruined machining.”

Photoshop is just another tool, and it’s an incredible tool at what it does.

Ansel Adams “photoshopped” his images with dodging and burning techniques in the darkroom during the developing of his images. He manipulated his images. Had he not done so, his images would have never garnered the attention that they have.

But he did it to create an image that he saw because the camera is unable to capture what the human eye can see in the latitude of light.

Misuse of any tool can be bad to varying degrees.

The original image in question here is simply an over exaggeration of reality. In the film days there were different emulsions of film that could give greater color saturation as well, of course not so grossly over saturated as this image.
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Thank you for the explanation Jake....
I would venture to say that this would have been visually stunning even in person.