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Our share of the soybean crop in the small field next to the shop came in recently, so I used the windfall to buy a BS-1 dividing head and a 5c collet set by 1/32". Both from Shars, so I expect to dismantle and clean the dividing head. Interestingly the dividing head was considerably cheaper via Amazon with Shars as the 3rd party reseller.
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Nice “reinvestment.”

I have also found I can save up to 10% using Amazon vs. Discount Machine (SHARS on eBay) and even more vs. SHARS direct (due to shipping). Plus get free returns.
Nice “reinvestment.”

I have also found I can save up to 10% using Amazon vs. Discount Machine (SHARS on eBay) and even more vs. SHARS direct (due to shipping). Plus get free returns.
Found the same and sometimes it seems they run "sales" on ebay! I ordered a fly cutter and it was used as Thor's hammer by UPS so it didn't fit into the R7 mill head smoothly. I sent a message about it asking if it was a second and let them know that i attempted to clean up the burr on the top already but they insisted i send it back and cross shipped a replacement.
Our share of the soybean crop in the small field next to the shop came in recently, so I used the windfall to buy a BS-1 dividing head and a 5c collet set by 1/32". Both from Shars, so I expect to dismantle and clean the dividing head. Interestingly the dividing head was considerably cheaper via Amazon with Shars as the 3rd party reseller.
Yes, I have noticed that on many Shars items, if they list it on Amazon it's usually cheaper. I don't understand why. You would think that direct would be cheaper. It could be Amazon pushing vendors to sell it for less otherwise get de-listed. So they use it to introduce customers to Shars, rather than discount machine.. I dunno , just a guess.
Yes, I have noticed that on many Shars items, if they list it on Amazon it's usually cheaper. I don't understand why. You would think that direct would be cheaper. It could be Amazon pushing vendors to sell it for less otherwise get de-listed. So they use it to introduce customers to Shars, rather than discount machine.. I dunno , just a guess.

Amazon do that as a company because they have Zero scruples and have a "our way or the highway" attitude. That has been proven multiple times over.

I refuse to buy anything from their platform or any of the services they offer or have anything to do with them. Ever.
Amazon do that as a company because they have Zero scruples and have a "our way or the highway" attitude. That has been proven multiple times over.

I refuse to buy anything from their platform or any of the services they offer or have anything to do with them. Ever.
Eh, when you have the power and effectively monopolistic leverage Amazon has, you don't need 'scruples'. Take any commercial organisation, be it a small family owned company or otherwise and give them Amazon's muscle and 'scruples' will mysteriously become conspicuous by their absence. That's capitalism for you.

(Capitalism being distinct from a decently 'free market', the latter being a virtuous thing and something to cherish, if we ever managed to get one ;))
well, I didn't buy these, but I did get them on freecycle, for my son.
Got some 3/4" black pipe and galv pipe. and a 1" pipe. All for some pipe clamp heads I gave him a while back. I had no idea black pipe had gone up that much.. so a pipe clamp is now approaching a Bessey parallel clamp.

And I picked up a ryobi grinder at the same location... I was shocked when I got home and looked at the grinder. Holey crap, that was an accident waiting to happen. First no outside guard on the stone wheel, the guy removed it, but left the guard on the buffer pad on the other side :rolleyes: .
I want you to take a good look at these 2 pics... This guy was lucky to be in one piece. What baffles me, is he had a full shop and was moving, so starting to cleanout stuff. Apparently one can look like they know what one is doing, but be totally clueless.

I fixed it up as best I could, I used the guard from the right side on the left... it almost fits correctly.. just a little off. And I put the arbor washers from the right on the left, and I had some proper washers for the buffer pad. I also fixed the light which was not working, I got lucky by cutting out the crimps and re-crimping which brought the light back to life. Surprisingly, she runs very smooth. I also trued the wheel to get the glaze off.. He'll need to get his own diamond dresser.
Yes, I have noticed that on many Shars items, if they list it on Amazon it's usually cheaper. I don't understand why. You would think that direct would be cheaper. It could be Amazon pushing vendors to sell it for less otherwise get de-listed. So they use it to introduce customers to Shars, rather than discount machine.. I dunno , just a guess.
Accusize is the same.
I refuse to buy anything from their platform or any of the services they offer or have anything to do with them. Ever.
I'm not an amazon fan, but do buy things there. Ebay the same thing. Not a fan, but sometimes it makes sense.

I have found some deals on things that were almost impossible to believe. I think it's part of their plan to play with prices to 'charge what the market will bear'. Bought a 10HP motor MSRP of $3000, for $400 (And ended up with $300 refund due to shipping damage!). The next day that motor was listed at $1200.

Again, not a fan. But not going to hurt my wallet just to spite any particular vendor!
I had the same experience with a 7.5hp inverter rated motor, had a cracked end cover from shipping. Ended up getting it almost for free, after a ridiculously low initial listing price. Not a huge fan of the corporate giants either, but until congress gets some cahones, and starts using existing antitrust laws (unlikely) this is what we have. Mike
Our share of the soybean crop in the small field next to the shop came in recently, so I used the windfall to buy a BS-1 dividing head and a 5c collet set by 1/32". Both from Shars, so I expect to dismantle and clean the dividing head. Interestingly the dividing head was considerably cheaper via Amazon with Shars as the 3rd party reseller.
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Thanks for posting this! I will save $22.00 on a back plate that I was going to get because of this tip!!!!