What's this 13x40 being sold by QMT on Ebay?

Looking forward to seeing it at your place set up and working.

A little jealous right now!
Oh man, oh man, it did not work as planned. This lathe will be back up for auction! Hope someone it's perfect for gets it! Sure looks unused in the pictures.
Oh man, oh man, it did not work as planned. This lathe will be back up for auction! Hope someone it's perfect for gets it! Sure looks unused in the pictures.
Errrmmm, what?
What happened?
PM me if you would like.
Thats too bad. I know what its like to be all jacked up about getting something and the deal falls through. You will find something just got to keep looking. I know it is hard to find anything local in Mt.
Bummer dude, I'm sorry it didn't work out, it looked like a nice machine.
That looks like a machine that Eisen also sells, 1340GHE. I know that the PM 1236 "T" is the same machine as the Eisen 1236GHE and made in the same factory. I wouldn't be surprised if PM was checking it out and maybe the price point might be so close to the 1440GT that they decided not to carry it.

I also would bet if the above is true, the factory would make sure the one they sent PM would have really been through QA and that one is a really nice lathe.
