When is this gonna END??

Likewise Darkzero,
I am addicted to tools and know it therefore I don't have a problem except how to accumulate said tools. Fortunately I am a Mollyhawke, an accomplished scrounger and there is always somebody who wants something done who has or knows someone who has what I need,(or think I might need), speaking nicely to the universe at large helps.
The VERY worse thing is ever listening to somebody who thinks you need to "get rid of some of that junk".
I don't have a problem! You all have the problem. Look, I need all this stuff. It's not like I've bought tools I've never once used or anything. It's not like I have to crab walk through parts of my shop to get to a far corner. It's not like I'm forgoing social interaction to spend more time with the equipment.

Wait... I think I need a meeting.

"Bridget" :) Love that!
Just to confirm I have the sickness, today after looking at vises I then commenced salivating over surface grinders.
When the vises are the sort with precision right angles and slides and T-Nut anchors all ready to clamp onto the mill table, or under the drill press, and provoke salivation symptoms, we adopt the convention to miss-spell "vises" as "vices".

Lacking a mill, and also sans surface grinder, I am giving serious consideration to using a saw, and a file, and eventually a ghetto scraper to carve up a pair of V-Blocks! I think those who call this syndrome an addiction are probably right!
Das Boat has been sitting in a corner of the lower driveway for (6) years now. Bellows gave out, outdrive filled with water, drained it, still had enough left that the lower end froze and cracked at the drain plug. (A smart man would have left the drain plug out...)
It's a 30+yo bowrider that we had some great times in, back when I could afford a boat.
And at least I knew when to hang it up. Now I'm trying to dispose of it... That's a whole 'nother adventure.

As far as the shop goes, I refer to it as Honey's 'Rome' fund. It's an investment. (OK so maybe not the best of investments but it keeps me out of trouble.)
I figure she can sell it off after I'm gone and take a first class Roman Holiday.

It also applies to work benches in spades, when the top of one gets full with "stuff" and there is no room left to work, it really is easier just to buy another one.
Ain't that the truth?
FSS. Flat Surface Syndrome.
I've heard it said that a boat is a hole in the water for putting money in, I guess a machine shop is shop that you cant fill with money.
I think it has been established in another thread by @Martin W that , for Canadians at least, it is known as "standing in a cold shower while tearing up Mackenzie Kings and Robert Bordens",

I wonder there are maybe some coastal folk here who have a machine shop near, or on, a boat, dedicated to fixing up bits for said boat. Double whammy that!
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