Who said it ?

There was a UK public information clip related to complaints about excessive swearing in TV content. They explained that swearing in proper context was allowed, and that the output would represent common use of language that everyone encounters, including children.
That said, they promised to disallow gratuitous excessive bad language. Casual common, in context swearing would also only happen after the 9:00pm "watershed"

The introductory clip showed a series of situations, like hitting the thumb with a hammer, missing the brake pedal before car goes over new plants and into patio door, and hilariously, an encounter between cops arresting a couple of violent armed robbers! It went something like..

"Hey - you chaps! What on Earth do do think you are doing? You are under arrest!"
"Oh gosh - it's the rozzers nabbed us red-handed. Sorry officer. I did not mean to make your nose bleed quite so much"!
Program makers were not to have their work mangled by artificial constraints driven by the polemic of special interest groups.

It's good to know that an in-context outburst is also good for one's physiology and dopamine generation - er.. "scientifically" I mean!