Who wants to make a beer cannon ? ..............................


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
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H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2016
…………………………. after all , some things just " go together " , such as beer and explosives ! :grin:

Here's what I'm thinking . I have tons of **** in the shop , down the basements and in the toolboxes that will most likely go un-used in my lifetime .
I could start up a pass around box of things to get this cannon started . All work performed must be by paying ( supporting ) members . You will make a part for the project , take some pics , post them on this thread and send it along to another interested member so he can add to the cannon . In the end , we hopefully have a working cannon that will put " this guys on YouTube " to shame .

What say you ? Anyone interested in a members project ? :dunno: I can start the box with a large set of bearings for the wheels and a nice chunk of brass for the barrel . Keep in mind this has to fit in the constraints of a large flat rate box .

This was inspired by this video btw .

Wish I could join in. Shipping to and from UK would just be too expensive, even if we could get stuff into or out of the country at the moment!
would love to do this but my parent wont let me become a paying member even if i pay with my own money:(
I will help, once I get the paypal thing figured out.
I'd be willing to make a part for it. Sounds like a fun idea. We should probably have a basic drawing that goes with the parts so we know things will fit together. I could probably toss some material in as well if I know what sizes etc. are needed.
Hey T . You want to be the first on the list ? I will send you the bearings and the brass , and you can do what you want with them . Then pass them on to someone else . A drawing ? We don't need no stinkin drawing ! :grin: We are experienced masheenists and can make anything fit . :big grin: :encourage:
Another thing to consider is timing.
I have not been able to do anything with my machines in a month, due to low temps.
Alright, garage fab it is! :grin: Too big, cut it, too small, weld it! :grin:

Your tool box needs 2 things. Duct tape and WD40. If it moves and it shouldn't, duct tape. If it should move and doesn't, WD40. :cool:

Sure, what the heck, I'll give it a go. Someone else better sign up or I'll wind up making the whole thing!