Women's volleyball championships


Nov 25, 2015
I am a volleyball freak. Love the game, the woman are playing tonight 7:30 espn2
Nebraska - Wisconsin... normally Nebraska is the team... Not this year, I Like how the badgers are playing.

Hope you can watch..
Wisconsin won. That was a very good match.. Wisconsin didn't look like they did all season. But they pulled it out.
Our daughter was a captain on the varsity team in high school, pretty good for being only 5’3”.

Agree it’s a great sport to watch:applause 2:

Hawaii went, but I'm busy, and haven't seen how they did.
Wisconsin has had a great volleyball team for many years. This is the 4th time they've made it to the finals, but their first win. An interesting point is the Nebraska coach is the former Wisconsin coach. When he left about 10 years ago, he was replaced by Kelly Sheffield.
I got bit by the v-ball bug when I went back to college. I was taking three consecutive classes in the morning then my automotive classes into the evening. The v-ball classes were taught by the womens team coach and I became her unofficial assistant. I became a huge fan of womens v-ball. It’s often more exciting than mens with lots of crazy saves and longer rallies. 4hrs a day 3 days a week put me in the best shape of my life!
Back in the dark ages when I was in high school I started to love volleyball. We had several intramural teams so I thought I'd try out for one. I knew I wasn't that good, and I knew I was never destined to be a starter when the coach commented, "Great effort, I liked the part when you jumped, your feet almost left the ground." My volleyball career went downhill from there, but I do still enjoy watching the game.
I got bit by the v-ball bug when I went back to college. I was taking three consecutive classes in the morning then my automotive classes into the evening. The v-ball classes were taught by the womens team coach and I became her unofficial assistant. I became a huge fan of womens v-ball. It’s often more exciting than mens with lots of crazy saves and longer rallies. 4hrs a day 3 days a week put me in the best shape of my life!
Woman play fundamentally better than the men. They listen to coaching a little more, and they are not as physical. The men are totally physical believing that their physical skills will win over technique. I like both men and women, but the women are more interesting to watch.. better rallies, better saves.. The men hit so hard and fast, that there's not a lot of rallying. The men either win on blocking, hitting, or serving. The woman will win by those and placement, out lasting in a rally, and a lot of cutting (hard cross court shot), roll shots, off speed, and dinks. You rarely see a man dink, or go off speed. They do, but it's very rare.