Wore one out

You paid $14 for the $9.99 grinder? Are you crazy man?
I see you have the newer style, garbage in my mind, that has the plastic bearing holder on the working end, and the fan is ??? well not much of a fan.

I have some older ones that were all metal in the working end, I recently bought another and found that plastic. There were so many other shortcuts over the older models. I am going on quite a lot longer than 5 years on mine. Just had a bunch apart on the back side to shorten the cord.

for $14.99 it owes you nothing, for 9.99 you would be ecstatic and probably thinking I should have bought more.
I bought a palm orbital sander years back from HM . Under $10 for sure . My son turned it on and laid it on a bench and the motor instantly died . We got $10 worth of humor out of it though . :big grin:
Might have been $10 bucks on sale, honestly don’t remember. I’ll be heading down there this weekend to buy a couple more. Probably had some of the older ones in my Michigan shop but don’t really pay much attention to them. Just run ‘‘em until they die and replace as needed.

They get the job done for me….

Angle grinders are workable, and way cheaper than anything else. I abuse these things so spending any more doesn’t make sense for me. I had a Mikita that lasted maybe a little longer but probably cost 5 times as much.
