Workout for the old girl.


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Aug 5, 2020
My 30 year old old chinesium drill press got a workout yesterday, drilling some 1"1/16" holes in some 1/4 inch bar.
I thought the earth was moving when I first started, I though it was on a pretty slow speed to start but had to engage slowest speed and lock everything down real tight then she cooperated pretty well for an old girl.IMG-0314.jpgIMG-0315.jpg
nice! I'd look into annular cutters for that thickness material, they cut very smoothly, to size and don't leave a burr. Not cheap though..
Yes! I think moving forward a boring bar or Anular cutter in the mill might be my preference, but sometimes you just have to use what is handy.
Was lucky really, I bought that actual drill bit in the bargain bin at the hardware store, honestly the only reason I bought it was because it was cheap. Before that purchase the closest drill size to that, would be 16mm. Must have been meant to be.
I was seriously thinking about using the plasma cutter, until I spotted that drill, still in the plastic box.


This is what it is for, the driven wheels for Radio Controlled mower.
To be completed soon (I Promise Darl LOL)
He's going to do a little night mowin'...
(lawnmower man)
Had a neighbor that would shovel snow off his driveway at 4:00 AM and I am sure he would mow the grass if the mower had headlights. Nice enough guy, don't know if he was sending me a message or he had got one.
Have a good day