2016 POTD Thread Archive

I used my newly finished ER40 adapter to make a cap for my tap holder. A while ago I made a spring center for tapping and was all excited to use it but quickly found out it wouldn't work with my tap holder because the end was square. The spring center tip would hit the handle and therefore not center. So I made this little adapter and all is good again.

The new ER40 adapter is nice. It's not perfect but repeats to within 0.001" total travel when I rechuck a part. I liked being able to take a part out of the holder then rechuck it without having to run the DTI around and tap the part into position.




It looks like it was meant to be there. :)
you could have gone one better and done the roller on a shaft, that way it did not ware on the plastic. or even done a shaft with a bearing of some kind. Hey it looks good and got to use your lathe thus a plus.
Or those could be revisions that you can plan so you get more time in the shop.

Overkill is always an option
My latest project. The plan is to move all of my mechanic hand tools to the new HF 44" tool box and reuse the 38"x48" top from the original table. I use the work top when doing projects on the lathe but wanted it to be more mobile and sturdy. I plan on adding other features to the table so I am going to leave it bare metal for a time until I finish the add-ons.

Original frame made out of 1" tubing.

New frame with casters.




If anyone has an extra pair of swivel casters from a HF 44" tool box that they would sell me please send me a PM.
I'm guessing HF might have those on the shelf. They have quite a few different sizes.
My latest project. The plan is to move all of my mechanic hand tools to the new HF 44" tool box and reuse the 38"x48" top from the original table. I use the work top when doing projects on the lathe but wanted it to be more mobile and sturdy. I plan on adding other features to the table so I am going to leave it bare metal for a time until I finish the add-ons.

If anyone has an extra pair of swivel casters from a HF 44" tool box that they would sell me please send me a PM.

Make sure you add some counter balance to the back side of table.
If you load much weight in a drawer and pull it out, it could cause the whole thing to tip over.
Make sure you add some counter balance to the back side of table.
If you load much weight in a drawer and pull it out, it could cause the whole thing to tip over.
I like to store heavy things in the back of anything with that potential for that reason.