A Man Walks In To An Electronics Shop

A dog walks into a bar and says to the bartender, "Can a talking dog get a drink in this bar?"

Th bartender looks at him for a scond, then gestures and says, "Sure! The men's room is in the back...."
A Cajun farmer goes into a Co-Op and asks for 60 baby chicks. The person behind the counter tells him that they will be in on Monday. The Cajun returns on Monday picking up the baby chicks. On Friday, the same Cajun gentlemen comes back and orders 100 baby chicks. The Co-Op person says that they will be in on Tuesday. The gentlemen returns on Tuesday picking up the 100 baby chicks. The next week, the gentlemen returns and orders 200 baby chicks. He states that he will pick them up toward the latter part of the week.
When the gentlemen returns to pick up his chicks, the Co-Op manager makes the comment to the Cajun, you must have a good chicken farm. Looking perplexed, the Cajun tells the manager that he really has a problem and he is not sure what is the problem. When the manager of the Co-Op asks the old farmer what is the problem the Cajun is having, the Cajun tells him, "I'm really having a problem with the chickens, they just won't grow". He continues to tell the manager, "I have it narrowed down to 2 problems though, I don't know if I am planting them too close, or too deep!"

I've got the attention span of a gnat. When I tell a long jokes make me sound "more stupider normal" so stay away from them I'm more of a hit and run punster. I like your joke but I'll never remember it.

What do you call the "Drummer" in a rock & roll band, if he doesn't have a girlfriend?

Where do watermelons go on vacation?
John Cougars Meloncamp
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Two vehicles meet in the center of a one lane bridge in North Dakota.
One fellow jumps from his vehicle and hollers: I NEVER BACK UP FOR FOOLS!
The other fellow responds: I ALWAYS DO!
What do you call a fly with no wings?

A walk.:D
Sent from somewhere in East Texas Jake Parker
A man walks into a diner and sits at the counter and ordered a "Bowl of chilli and a cup of coffee. please"from the waitress. The waitress said "I'm so sorry sir, but the gentleman beside you just got the last bowl, you still want the coffee?" The man replied" yeah." While sipping on his coffee he noticed the other man was reading a newspaper hadn't even touch his Bowl of chilli. Striking up a conversation with the man with the chilli "Hey buddy, I noticed you haven't even touched that chilli would you mind if have it?" To which the man still reading replied "Yeah sure, help yourself" he replied "Thanks" and slides the chilli over started eating. While he was eating about 1/2 way down on this fantastic chilli lifts his spoon up for the last time and found a dead mouse on it. This caused him to immediately threw up into the chilli bowl. The man still reading his newspaper lowers it down a bit, looks over the top and directly at ill stricken man and said. "Yeah, That's about how far I got too."
What do you call a boomerang that wont come back?

........ another £#¢&in stick!!!!!

Sent from somewhere in East Texas Jake Parker
When you die, you're dead....
You don't know you're dead....
It only affects the people around you....

Stupid is the same.... o_O
A horse walks into a bar, the barman says "Why the long face?". The horse replies "I'm a gelding".
another £#¢&in stick

or another "FAILED" version of the new and improved prototype of the "£#¢&in stick"
Buy the way there is a reason why " WD40 is called WD40" hint: WD39 didn't make the cut! You have the internet look it up.... dawner ;)