What's Your favirite Phrase ?

It takes less time to check the oil than to rebuild the engine...

I should have told that one to my nephew before he toasted the engine. He knew he had a leak but somehow didn't think to check the oil level.:dunno:
Learn how to listen so you can listen and learn.

"Billy G"
A few more:

Don't know the difference between his butt and a bass fiddle!

Most people use the Ostrich principle - they stick their head in the sand and forget about what's sticking up.

I'm very cautious - , I never drop the soap when showering - I always use soap on a rope!

He who fights and runs away gets to fight another day.

A smart man knows where to look to find the answers - on a smarter mans test sheet!

You only need 3 things in life - 1) when in charge - delegate 2) when in doubt - ponder and 3) when in trouble - run like heck!

do you know what's in a hazmat persons tool kit: one pair of binoculars, one pair of running shoes, and a roll of toilet paper!

If I would agree with you we both would be wrong!
Here's another one: "Do you hear that ticking? That's the needle on my bulls#^t meter pegging."
I refuse to do a battle of wits with an unarmed person
you slow me down like a broken leg
they do it right 'cause they do it twice
Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no man comes to the Father except by me.” John 14/6. The Bible

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus. First Timothy 2/5. The Bible
Some of my favorites:

"Cut to fit. Paint to match."

"If it don't fit the first time, get a bigger hammer."

"Anything worth doing is worth doing tomorrow."

"He couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat."

"If I was doing any better, I'd be twins."

"Buy quality, only cry once"

"You keepa using that word, I dona think it means what is means" (spoken with spansh accent, ala Inigo Motoyo)

"Remember, after tight comes loose"