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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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The three set screws that lock the Division Wheel to the Mandrel are in place. Graduations are next. I need to take a break before I do those. I will document how I do it.

"Billy G"

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The first set of binders is completed. They hold the work head to its mounting shaft. Once binders are locked on a shaft it takes some doing to move anything.

"Billy G"

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It looks to me you cut a radius on that so it can tighten around the shaft when you tighten the nob. Is this correct? Does the one closes to the nob move with the nob?
You are correct Chuck. The one by the nut slips the other is threaded. They pull together to bind the shaft.

"Billy G"
Thats pretty dang slick. I certainly see my self trying that before long. Good stuff man and awesome work as usual.
Binders have been around for many years. I have to make a larger set to fit the Mandrel and Division Wheel. I will document it for you. If the binders ever wear out you just grind a few thousandths off the center ends and they are tight again. I'm off to the Cave.

"Billy G"
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I am sure I have seen something like this at some point. I just cant figure where. I'm sure alot of folks would have done a big set bolt or two. But that tends to eat up shafts over time. Plus what you got there has more surface area. Thats better all around far as clamping and wear resistance. I would assume self centering would be far better then set bolt/screw as well.
I am also trying to figure out where I have seen one. Could it be the quill lock on my atlas tail stock?

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