2020 POTD Thread Archive

Who doesn't love chocolate ice cream? :encourage:

Serendipity - the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
"a fortunate stroke of serendipity"
I installed an X axis power feed for my Rf30 mill.
I wanted one that mounted on the right hand side and didn't cost a lot. ($136.00 delivered)
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View attachment 334482

I had to make an extension for the drive screw and drill a couple of holes and it works so smooth now.

View attachment 334481

I wish you would come over to my shop and fix my X axis drive. It has the extension, I'm trying to get the spacing right, not yet......
It is very important that the lead screw does not have any side to side motion. I am not talking about backlash but end play in the shaft as that end play will change your gear spacing every time you change directions of the power feed.
I am sure you will get sorted.
Talking about the elephant in the room. There is a white elephant in my shop today, it's my brother's car, this thing has the habit of braking in weird ways then healing, but this time it has something more severe with it, one of the front tires is staying at a very weird angle, he bent a control arm or the spindle. It also started to die and won't restart. I'm suspecting he might jumped a curb or dich and causes undercarriage damage.

going by how often your brother breaks his car, maybe he should be the one driving the Niva? That or buy him some driving lessons!
going by how often your brother breaks his car, maybe he should be the one driving the Niva? That or buy him some driving lessons!
Haha, he actually is not a bad driver, is his attitude, he treats any car like a rental car, that's why i don't leave my cars for long time with him. He hasn't had any major accidents, but staff like potholes, corners doesn't concern him, his cigarettes, phone are more important. I've been in much more small and major traffic accidents but i drive 3x more than him.
I'm waiting for parts to get rid of the white elephant. I spent some time with the pressure washer clean the engine bay, suspension as much as i could, then stood back and looked at it and the yellowed headlight relay annoy me, so i got fine sandpaper, some water and polish and restore them, the passenger side indicator is horrible, i've ordered a new one. Surprising how small things make a big difference, i may buy some white paint and paint the rest of the engine bay, it was repainted sometime ago.