2021 Archive

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I watched "Married With Children" a couple of times then lost any interest. My thought was "How

did a clerk, even a senior clerk, live in that nice of a house?". The show, with the exception of the busty redhead, wasn't worth the time it took to watch. I know a few clerks in other markets, they do good to eat well and have a dry place to live. Sorry to be so negative, but reality it isn't. Except some screen writer's idea of how people live. I did enjoy the picture of the "clerk" zoning out.
well, that type of tv is SITCOM, situation comedy , meant to take you away from reality, and make you laugh.

Now the cop shows, and fire shows, those are jokes. Very little real about them.

But I'm with you, there's not a lot to watch on TV. I like America's Funniest Videos, up until they pick the winners which usually are the worst choices.
And BigTen Volleyball during the womens season. Almost ended, I think one more week.
My wife watches a lot of TV, nothing I am interested in. To spend time with her, I'll put on a set of headphones and watch youtube.. But this week has been my first week back in the shop since I did the finger, and since the bathroom is mostly finished. Just gotta do the frames for the mirrors on the medicine chests and hang the towel rods.
I probably watched every episode of Married with Children. Perhaps it was just coming out of a bad marriage and I could identify with Al on some level. that made it appealing. The characters were exactly what they were supposed to be, larger than life caricatures of people we have all met at one time or another. I'm sure that anyone who had ever worked as a shoe salesperson wished that he/she had the gumption to tell of some of the customers that Al did.
George Jetson's birthday is Aug 27 2022 also, we must be in the future :grin:
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