An Apology


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Nov 28, 2016
A few days ago, I posted some memes in the joke thread... I thought they were just humourous memes, but apparently the subject of those memes is currently wrapped up in political controversy.

I honestly did not know that.

I have always made a serious effort to keep political content out of my postings... if I had known of the controversy, I would never have posted them.

However, I DID post them... and apparently offended some other members... I don't know who, I didn't get back on here until the site staff had already cleaned it all up. I take full responsibility for that and would like to apologize and ask for forgiveness. It was never my intent to offend anyone for any reason. I am sorry...

Over a couple of days, I had a friendly conversation with one of the staff members that ended with me deciding to pull out of the joke thread altogether. This staff member asked me to reconsider that decision...

So I have spent a lot of time thinking about it... and have decided that there are two things that I will not do:

A. I will not risk offending anyone else...the Bible admonishes us "If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men" (Romans 12:18). Plus, the joke thread is supposed to be funny... offending people sort of takes the 'funny' out of it.

B. I will not thoroughly research the subject of all memes/ jokes that I want to post to see if there is any controversy surrounding it that I don't know about. I won't do that... that would also take the 'funny' out.

With that being said, I've determined that my first decision was the correct one... going forward I will read the joke thread (Hey, I like a good laugh as much as anyone) but I won't participate.

Someone else will need to step up and keep the bacon memes coming...:)

Again... I am sorry... all I can do now is ask for forgiveness.

But laughter is the best medicine!

I do hope you reconsider and continue to contribute to that thread.

Oh, and it takes an individual with great moral values and emotional maturity to make a post like this (like yours, not like my reply, just to be clear ).
Oh, and it takes an individual with great moral values and emotional maturity to make a post like this (like yours, not like my reply, just to be clear ).
Totally agree. Bear, keep 'em coming. Everyone makes a mistake every now and then. It takes a good, ethical man to admit it.
Don't take yourself and others so serious. Life is too short to worry about trying not to hurt someone's feelings. People to day don't seem to be fully mature adults and can't take responsibility for their actions or feelings. We all have control of our own feelings and being offended is a choice. Try facing life with a smile instead of a frown, it changes everything. Let's not over react.
I think we've got too many thin-skinned folks these days that are looking for an excuse to be offended.

That's why I am no longer and never will be posting in the joke thread. I really enjoyed posting in it. Now I just read the jokes.
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You made an honest mistake. The moderators did their job when someone was offended. I don't see that as a foul on either part. If you go through life totally trying to avoid such mistakes, you'll never do (or post) anything. We can all try to be considerate, but if we're going to completely not risk offending anyone, they might as well close down the whole forum.