Any Current or Previous Ford 6.0 Owners Here?

The motors put out enormous power from the get go and were basically a very crappy engine . Ford didn't design it , International did . It's a well known fact about the flaws of the motor , but they can be fixed . If nothing else , stud the heads and keep the maintenance up on it .
What are they asking ? You can PM it to me if you want . :)
I thought these guys were down your way .

I left turning wrenches at Ford dealers because of the 6.0L.................
If you go look at it go through the dash menu to find engine hours . Ford wanted engine oil changed 250 hours ( industry standard 40 MPH x 250=10,000 miles ) By multipling the engine hours by 40 see how close it is to the odometer . Our trucks at work idled way too much , if those hours were multipled by 40 vehicles that had 120k would have 400k of engine use . Hope that makes sense .