Britain said it was taking steps to return to the traditional system of imperial weights and measures

I think they should ditch the decimal system too, shillings, soverigns and tuppeny bits! My favourite British unit quirk is weight - when I was growing up there I would always give my weight in stones and pounds. So 8 stone 5 pounds = 117lb. One stone is 14lb and there are 16oz to a pound! It's a great exercise in mental arithmatic going from stone to kilos :)

I wonder who the nationalist/ "we wish it was the 1950s again" crowd will complain about now that they can't blame Brussels for everything?
Ready to go back to before the steam engine? I mean, how far back do they want to go?
Brexit was a dumb idea but this one is even dumber, but then again when you look around the world at all the so called "leaders" in all the so called first world countries it seem stupidity is the major requirement for the position.
I think they should ditch the decimal system too, shillings, soverigns and tuppeny bits! My favourite British unit quirk is weight - when I was growing up there I would always give my weight in stones and pounds. So 8 stone 5 pounds = 117lb. One stone is 14lb and there are 16oz to a pound! It's a great exercise in mental arithmatic going from stone to kilos :)

I wonder who the nationalist/ "we wish it was the 1950s again" crowd will complain about now that they can't blame Brussels for everything?
The ones wishing for the 1950's again more than likely never experienced them. Living in Britain in the years after WWII wasn't all that much fun, according to my wife. Food was still hard to come by with many resorting to small gardens to put food on the table. My father-in-law raised rabbits for protein for the table. Wages weren't that great and many lived in subsidized housing, sometimes several families. Coal was a main source of heat and air pollution resulted.
GF’s daughter says that Boris is trying to distract people from the fact there is an active food shortage in the UK at the moment.
I doubt this re-conversion will ever happen.
Who knows. The conventional wisdom was Brexit wouldn't ever happen. The conventional wisdom was wrong.

Seems like a lot of pain for practically no gain. They did the hard part of conversion, which the US was unable (and unwilling) to do. Why go back? Seems to be a play for nationalist pride, rather than practicality.
Changing back would be dumb. But I like the imperial system