Building my last shop

No wonder Tennessee is so green. How do you'all build homes and such?
In regards to building - I'm not sure. We bought this place 'pre-existing', if you know what I mean.
Original part was 1947, one addition some time in the 70's, another in the rear enclosing the back porch probably when the 2 car detached garage was built. Then they put a brick facade around the whole bloody place, (except for the garage), and that is cracking and failing all over...
It is driving me to the brink... Don't ask about the electrical....................... :grin:

Meanwhile back to drooling over Tom's shop pour. :drool:
Yep. The next two pours should be alittle less since no 10" deep holes like the first pour.

I completely missed the two areas that are deeper in post #140. That will provide some serious support.
Got the second pour done last week. Supposed to pour Monday but we got rain Sunday night and the ground was too mushy to bring the trucks down. Tried to schedule a pour today (Wednesday) but the morning schedule was full and earliest we could get a truck was 1pm. So we are planning on pouring this Friday before the rain storms roll in.
Hey, you are getting close. one more pour and you are on your way.
That is going to be a red letter day when the last pour is done!
She is looking good. This is going to make for a great shop. I have my fingers crossed that the last pour takes place as planned.
How in the world are you going to fill that space?!