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Winner Custom Stock Rest

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Mr. Deliberate
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 12, 2011
I finally had enough of the free standing floor stock rest for my cut-off saw. So I decided on making a custom rest that attached to my tool box light post. I think it turned out pretty well, I like it.

Stock Rest - 03.JPG
Stock Rest - 04.JPG
Stock Rest - 05.JPG
Stock Rest - 06.JPG
Stock Rest - 07.JPG
Stock Rest - 08.JPG
Stock Rest - 09.JPG
Stock Rest - 10.JPG
Stock Rest - 11.JPG
Stock Rest - 12.JPG
It tucks in well above the extenda-reel so will clean up that area and always be ready to use without being in the way when its not needed. I like it.
If thats a 1989 bandsaw you've done a remarkable job restoring it and looks like many nice touches upgrading it too. Have you ever done an piece on it. I'd really like to see that! - jv
That is an excellent idea. Nice looking piece as well

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Congratulations Randy. Neat project!
Great Idea, work great for small shops where ever inch counts and the fact the you do not have to find a place to store it when not in use. Or try to dig it out when you need it.
Nice job! looks like plenty of thought went into your design. One suggestion for anyone wanting to copy this or any other roller design is to extend the roller support ears past the hight of the roller. This would prevent stock from rolling off.

Roller/stands are so handy to have in one man shop. I made these some time last year and have used them on the mill, iron worker and to support long pieces that extend past the welding table.

My hats off to you on your ability to work with aluminum. I really like what you did, very nice work sir.
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