Getting my vaccine

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A couple Fridays ago, our county health department set up a drive-in type shot. One line was Pfizer and the other Johnson & Johnson. Opted for the JJ since you only need one. Took less than half hour. Had a sore arm, that was it. We thought that we'd be there at least a couple of hours. Hardly anyone showed up. The wife made a couple copies of the record. I keep one in my wallet, so if anyone asks.
Sore arm only after the first Pfizer shot. After the second I had the same kind of strange fogginess that Francist reports, but it only lasted a couple hours. Easy process for me. We are almost 100% vaccinated at work now and the masks are coming off!
Sore arm only after the first Pfizer shot. After the second I had the same kind of strange fogginess that Francist reports, but it only lasted a couple hours. Easy process for me. We are almost 100% vaccinated at work now and the masks are coming off!
Vermont lifted the indoors mask mandate for vaccinated people. I had the distinct pleasure of announcing this on Friday during our first company BBQ. Only a few people remain unvaccinated and are scheduled over the next couple of weeks.
So I just got the Pfizer vaccine last night. I’m 13 so it’s the only one I could get. Now my arm is pretty sore from it. No side effects 12 hours later. I’m right handed and got it in my right arm, so now I can’t run my lathe. But feeling good and better than what everyone said about it.
I am totally off topic, but I must say I am impressed to see a young man like you on this site and doing what we all like. I checked and see that you joined at 12 years of age. IMPRESSIVE.
Have had both of my shots, and the two week after so am considered fully vaccinated, a little sore arm but not to bad.
Had the Astra Zen over a month ago. Sore arm as per any vaccine, and the next day was chills and no energy. Got the shot Friday and was back to normal Monday evening. Likely the second shot will be Pfizer or Moderna in a couple months.
Still feeling good. Did some black smithing so now my arm is sore again. What was I thinking? Oh well, I feel better now than before.
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