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Winner Home Grown Cutter Grinder

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Going back to work on the work holder today. I would like to get the Mandrel done today.

"Billy G"
We are off and running. I need to bore in 3 inches on that back end of the mandrel. It sticks out of the 4 jaw 5 inches. With the help of an old friend (Steady Rest) it will hold stable to accomplish the boring operation. It will also be needed when the part is reversed in the chuck to fit the 5C collet.

"Billy G"

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It may be big, but it sure does the job. :rofl:

"Billy G"

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My 12" Logan didn't come with a rest. And I watched oBoy, for months, to find a used rest that would fit. When this 13" clone set showed up, at a good price, I bought it, knowing I could easily cut the height down by 1/2" and weld the cast iron. Fits the ways, exactly.

They are hard to find for sure. The OD of the Mandrel is done. No to bore the other (Big) end to fit a 5C collet.

"Billy G"

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The new partially finished work head in place of the original. There is light at the end of the tunnel Right now it's just a flicker. :rofl::rofl:

"Billy G"

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Awesome work man. Lotta tricks and examples for the old boy to learn from. Top notch man
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