How to repair compressor pressure switch?

I believe the check valve is actually the piece that screws into the tank. It lets air into the tank from the pump but it does not allow air to come back out of the tank through the unloader line. This is also a pretty standard part, you just need to know the thread size of your current check valve. Or you might be able to take the current check valve out, clean it then reinstall it.
The pipe between the compressor and the tank should bleed off every time the compressor turns off. If the check valve in the tank is broken or just dirty and jammed open air will continuously bleed out of the tank through the unloader valve when the compressor is not running. You need to look at where the pipe from the pump enters the tank. That fitting is the check valve. It should unscrew from the tank after you take the pipe from the pump off of it.
Depending on the plumbing, the line from the pressure relief valve ties into the main lin between the comprssor and the check valve. On my compressor, the tie-in is at the check valve itself. If air continues to bleed, the check valve is leaking, Either stuck of dirty. If the air volume is low, it is most likely dirty, preventing complete closure.
If air comes out of this valve for more than about 5 seconds after the compressor shuts off, then your check valve ( usually located where the air line from the cylinder head enters the tank) is leaking. These can often be removed and cleaned and will work again.
Ah Ha!
There is a check valve. Missed it the first go round.

Thanks guys, that's next.
I got the valve out.
It was cock eyed and stuck.
I sprayed it with brake cleaner, now it’s free and moving with spring tension.
The spring feels weak.
I’ll replace it.E8A5A393-0096-400C-B4E8-60EDB7778B02.jpeg