I got robbed last night - just venting


Active User
Jun 23, 2011
Some creeps broke into my shed last night (cut off the padlock). They stole a bunch of valuable stuff:

A Husqvarna 20" Chainsaw (my baby), a 16" Homelite Chainsaw, a Stihl 14" in-tree saw (another baby), a 3400 psi pressure washer, a backpack blower, some of my daughter's outdoor toys, and some hand tools.

I'm so disgusted with humanity right now... Last month my next door neighbor's cars got broken into - right in their driveway!

No matter where you live it seems this sort of thing still happens... Unless I give up my garage toys and basement workshop and move into a gated community with a HOA busting my hump for painting my front door trim the wrong color, or flying the flag on Veteran's Day.

I filed a police report and they assigned a detective to the case. They're taking this seriously... Kudos to SCPD.

State Farm's claims office is closed today, so all I could do was file a report through their toll-free line. I don't have receipts for any of the stuff and could only find manuals for the Husky saw and the blower. Then again, even if I did have receipts, they would be unreadable. That thermal paper they use nowadays fades away within a few months.

I hope State Farm doesn't give me too much of a hard time. I pay extra for "full replacement". But, I wonder if there's a deductable I have to satisfy before I can start replacing this stuff. These are tools I use - especially the chainsaws, as I heat my house with wood I harvest from my property (carpenter ant infested oak trees - getting rid of these allows the maples and white birches to grow)

My neighbor down the street and his wife are both corrections officers at the county jail and he's an in-shape, intimidating looking dude with a high and tight military style haircut (good thing we're friends!). They made it clear to me to make sure I tell them when (and if) these guys get caught and who they are... Hmmm. I wonder what they have in mind? I guess I'd rather not know! ;)

I always liked the idea of a large dog on a chain, just leave the other end of the chain loose!:biggrin:
I got robbed last night

Welcome to hell! sorry i meant the poor old planet earth, nowadays no matter what country you live in, one seems to find this sort of low life running riot, I do not know if there is a world break down in discipline or what, But it seems to me every law abiding citizens hard earned possessions are these guys prey!

Over here in the U.K. things are no easier, we have the same problems, especially with metal theft, Everything is these guys target, War memorials, grave markers, church roof lead, railway signal cabling, power lines etc, even if it is nailed down Only yesterday, my daughter gave me a newspaper cutting about a retired gentleman in Bradford England, who had stolen from his garage an almost completed model steam locomotive, When he discovered the break in he was on his knees sobbing, All his lovely work for a long period gone Devastating

The cost of the locomotive was estimated at £7,500, You can guess some low life apology for a human being will have no doubt have smashed it up for a paltry sum from some crooked scrap dealer Who if he is caught will no doubt get off with a dis-proportionally lenient sentence

I am truly sorry to hear of your loss especially your Husqvarna, The loss of certain tools is grim, one seems to have a greater attachment to one item of plant, I do not know what i would think if these guys should target me I also would be pretty upset
Core oil
Locally some low lifes stole the war veteran memorial plaques and sold them to a scrap yard. Now my question is when a couple of guys show up with over a 100 cemetery plaques that are clearly marked property of federal government do you turn a blind eye or turn them in. Me turn them in, the scrap yard operator did nothing and I really would like them charged for the same crime as the thievies. I would also send the ..... know one whats to one of the military bases and see what happens.
Guys around will steal a steel bridge which they did, but did get caught a few days later. The bridge steel was worth $100,000 at scrap yard, so it was not a small one. I do have a solution for this, more jails. The same people that get out for lack of room get caught again for the same type of crime. Some people are getting shot around here for breaking into places, but not enough to make a big difference, just thinning the herd a little. Sorry for your loss.
About 6 months ago I lost about 600.00 worth of welding lead. Cops did nothing so I replaced it and spread the word that I had I also spread the word that I'd shoot the next ones.

I also told the cops I shoot the crocks and the only thing they said was make sure he is dead. That way he can't press charges against you. So who's side is the law on?


Sorry to hear about the break-in. It takes a long time to get over the feeling that you'd like to modify whoever did it.
I personally feel if a person is arrested and released for the same offence three times they are wasting tax dollars and upon the third offence a billboard add should be posted with a pic of the perpetrator and a statement reading wanted dead $50.00 reward no questions asked!

Just my two cents!:drink:


I like that but 50 is too much for a 22 rim fire cartridge. That is all they are worth!
Generic insurance advice follows. I am licensed in Virginia. I sell insurance now but was a claim rep for 7 years and have over 20 years experience.

Make a list of everything stolen and/or damaged with the current replacement cost of the items and when you bought the item.

The company will pay you the depreciated value first, less your deductible. Then when you replace it they will pay you the replacement cost of the item IF you replace it. If you never replace the item you will not get replacement cost.

I strongly urge all of you to document document document. Go shoot a bunch of photos and store them in the cloud. Then when something is stolen you have proof of ownership.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune:( I am fortinate enough that I have never had to go through what you are, but I know of many friends who have.
I have a home security system that I never fail to use when I feel it necessary. Although it is not monitered by the law, it gives me a feeling of security while at home or away. I have two extremly loud sirens that I would hope would discourage someone after a breakin. I have a separate shop that is wired in with my home.
It is just sad and surprising that many people wait until they are broken into before purchasing a security system. Sure they are an expense--but how can one put a price on unreplacable items and human life.
Just as a matter of personal opinion--I would not hesitate to use deadly force inside my home, but no personal items are worth taking a human life!