I got robbed last night - just venting

Sorry to hear about the loss of your tools. My brother had a breakin and all of his guns were stolen. One of the guns was an extremely rare German Luger that had been in the family since 1930.

Even if the guns are recovered the police will never return them. I lived in west Texas 35 years ago and the Sheriff there sold all the guns he recovered through his brothers pawn shop and they cherry picked everything before being sold.
Locally some low lifes stole the war veteran memorial plaques and sold them to a scrap yard. Now my question is when a couple of guys show up with over a 100 cemetery plaques that are clearly marked property of federal government do you turn a blind eye or turn them in. Me turn them in, the scrap yard operator did nothing and I really would like them charged for the same crime as the thievies. I would also send the ..... know one whats to one of the military bases and see what happens.

My brother works for the US parks in historic restoration section. He says this kind of thing happens far to often. He has recovered lots of stuff by going to local antique dealers and scrap yards. I will have to admit a veteran memorial is a new low.

As for B&E my wife is home by herself during the day. I always fear someone will try to break in while I'm not home. I just don't think my back could handle digging that big a hole.

Well State Farm came through for me. After talling tools for awhile, the claims rep got the impression I take care of my tools (which I do) and cut me a break on depreciation. My $1000 deductable hurt though...

I taked to the detective assigned to the case and asked whether I should cash the check from State Farm or wait and see if they recover my stuff. Has was frank and said if it were him in my shoes, he'd cash the check. Guess they have little hope of getting my stuff.

Now the trick is to replace as much as I can for what they gave me...

Well State Farm came through for me. After talling tools for awhile, the claims rep got the impression I take care of my tools (which I do) and cut me a break on depreciation. My $1000 deductable hurt though...

I taked to the detective assigned to the case and asked whether I should cash the check from State Farm or wait and see if they recover my stuff. Has was frank and said if it were him in my shoes, he'd cash the check. Guess they have little hope of getting my stuff.

Now the trick is to replace as much as I can for what they gave me...


Hello John,

Sorry for your loss, both times! First the ones who took your things, then the insurance company charging $1,000 deductible with 'full replacement' coverage - doesn't seem like they're the ones who are getting the shaft!

I had a similar situation many years ago when living in Metro-NYC area; my hobby was photography and I had good equipment - Leicas, Rolleis, that kind (this was all pre-digital 35mm and 6X6). Everything disappeared from my locked car (convertible) one night - they cut the roof to get in.

Police came, knew immediately who it was - local pot-head - and said there wasn't much (nothing) they could/would do about it. Insurance paid highly depreciated value on cameras that had actually appreciated in value in the time I owned them! End of my interest in photography.
Another Im sorry

Especially this day and age. I got ripped for about 1/2 mile of four legged each
leg as big as your thumb aluminum wire up phone pole. How in hell they got up
phone poles i dont know. Then cut in three ft pieces carried out of the woods way
down the road. Woman calls 911 for something funny going on. They get busted
their time comes I send wife to court not me I was court officer I know what goes
on there, yea they serve time the value was way over a felony, of course I gotta
feed them and I got no wire. My second bout like yourself, my shed only a 50 ft
semi trailer way too far for extension cord. So my son grabbed an extra yelp siren
from his fire station. Then a 12 vt batt. seal beam headlight black string to a trip
switch through siren. done deal. There it sat maybe a month then it goes off to
wake the neighbors up 3am. So it works only it caught a deer. Back in the 50s
radiator stop leak was disapearing from my uncles bus co. simple my uncle poured
straigh acid in the leak bottles. Bus driver fired with a melted car radiator. Im sorry
but its the only way to fight back. Black string works wonders.

Sorry about the break-in, but glad State Farm came through.

It's amazing people are lurking wayyyyy out where you are to rob stuff. I can imagine people lurking in the city where I am. Usually dope addicts.
My advice having been in criminal justice for 9 years is to make sure you make it impossible for them now. These fools usually return to the same place they were able to hit last time. Get a dead bolt and make them break the door down. Get a cheap alarm at Radio Shack and alarm the door and window. The noise will deter them. When/if they get caught, don't approve any plea offered by the DA. Make them go to trial and get maxed by some conservative judge out there. Screw em.

It is sad to hear about anyone getting ripped off, but now days it's not only the dopers doing it, some of it is done by people just out of work, but still not right.
and the big problem here is the jail is over full, they bring them in the back door and let them out the front door,
We have never had a problem on our property, because we have 5 foot chain link fence around the front yard & 6 foot around the back and all gates stay locked at all times, and our 125 Lb german shepherd Jerry Lea keeps a watch on things for us.
Sorry to hear of your losses. I know it is hard. Been there, and to this day have not got completely over it. Look real close at everything prior to submitting your claim. Something you may only use once or twice a year, could be missing. I find stuff all the time that is missing from my break in years ago, and too late to submit another claim. I feel for you, it is rough.
Might buy and strategically place some game cameras, cheap and effective.
It's a shame somebody took your stuff, hopefully you can find the guy who did it. Wishing you the best!!!
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