I got robbed last night - just venting

My other house was "burgled" 2 years ago. They caught the guy. He got 2 years. I am sure he is out now. Fifty thousand bucks gone. I am glad my youngest son lives there now. An army vet, wounded in Afghanistan, and he has a gun. Several guns.
The other day, "Our local friendly itinerant landscape gardener /handyman" came up my driveway, He is a bit fly, Would I trust him ? on a scale of one to ten I will give him 45%! However my recently obtained "Guard Cat " a black & white wee guy was at the back door, he started a deep growl, which alerted my wife Cats are always good, Our man was wanting to do some work,cheaply of course Well he could be worse at least he is earning a living, Nearer our big cities we have droves of illegal immigrants who thieve and cause nothing but hassle for everyone especially the central European low life, What if it had been a couple of them doing some reconnaissance of my property? Sadly the low life from central Europe get all these folks a bad name in the U.K. which is really sad People, do not mention the good folks from Central Europe who settle in Britain, many are professional people doing sterling work in Hospitals etc.
One of my pals tells me of his church which has opened its doors to the good immigrants, They are extremely honest caring folks, Pity they are classed with the scum who are freeloaders
A year or two ago my son was sitting late one night relaxing when his cat similarly looked towards the side of his house & started to growl , He crept out to find one of our Home Grown Low Life breaking into his car , Our unfortunate thief picked the wrong house, my son is ex forces, so a few hefty slaps saw that guy on his way, But if he had done any degree of severe damage to this guy , Whose side would the law have taken?
Sorry for your loss. Hit all of the local pawn shops and flea markets. I've known a few people who found thier stuff at a flea markets.

Man that sucks. But dont let it change your idea on humanity. Nothing is new under the sun brother. Whats being taken might change, but the fact it's being stolen has been here from day one. And the solution to crime is never as simple as jail. Back in the days here you could get 20yr sentence and be out on parole in 2yr. Now if you get a 20yr sentence in Florida your doing 18yrs if your good. Yet crime is no better then before.

Education cures most of society's ills.

You wont ever get that stuff back. It was sold to a guy 2 miles up the road likely, just sitting in his garage. Dang kids and crack heads
I live 5 miles out in the country from our small town, 20 miles from downtown. You would think we wouldn't have much trouble out here. Yet my neighbor on one side had someone cut through their chain link fence at night and steal a $3k John Deere riding mower out from under their nose. They came back a couple nights later and stole a bunch of stuff from back of their barn. My neighbor on the other side of me had someone break in during broad daylight while the guy's wife was in the shower. If they brake into my place it will end in a hail of gunfire, I'm armed with a 9mm and .45 cal Sig with night sights. My back up is a .44 Mag Ruger, if I run out of ammo I could just club them with it that thing is a beast. Everyone out my way has to have heavy steel locking mailboxes because the creeps cruise stealing mail. Meanwhile idiot Bloomberg is trying to pass a gun control bill in our state. :angryfire: